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The following is a diagram of a deque (pronounced “deck”). It is depicted as a linear structure.

Elements can be inserted and removed from the front and back as shown above.
Because a deque supports the same operations as stacks and queues, the deque can always be used in any situation where a stack and queue are applicable.
An implementation of a deque is provided in most programming languages. In Java, this data structure is defined by the Deque
interface. Some operations are implemented in only slightly different ways by multiple methods in the Deque
interface. To reduce confusion, only the most commonly used methods are listed for each feature. For a full list, see the Deque documentation.
Note that E
is the type of object that is stored in the deque. The object E
is just a placeholder for whatever object the Deque
is declared to hold.
Time complexity
It is important to note that all operations below are performed in amortized \mathcal{O}(1). This means that it is usually \mathcal{O}(1), but sometimes more that that. However, it is very rarely more than \mathcal{O}(1), so when performing the operation many times, it averages out to \mathcal{O}(1) per operation.
int size()
returns the number of elements in the Deque
boolean isEmpty()
returns true
if there are 0
elements in the Deque
, and false
Insert front
boolean addFirst(E e)
adds element e
to the front of the Deque
. This method will throw an exception if e
is null
Insert back
boolean addLast(E e)
adds element e
to the back of the Deque
. This method will throw an exception if e
is null
Access front
E getFirst()
returns the element at the front of the Deque
. This method will through an exception if the Deque
is empty.
Access back
E getLast()
returns the element at the back of the Deque
. This method will through an exception if the Deque
is empty.
Remove front
E removeFirst()
removes and returns the element at the front of the Deque
. This method will through an exception if the Deque
is empty.
Remove back
E removeLast()
removes and returns the element at the back of the Deque
. This method will through an exception if the Deque
is empty.
(documentation) is a class which implements the methods in Deque
interface that were shown above. Other classes such as LinkedList
also implement the above methods, but they are usually slower and/or more difficult to use.
import java.util.*; // Import the required classes.
public class DequeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Deque called dq which stores objects of type Integer.
Deque<Integer> dq = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
// Add 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to dq.
for(int n = 1; n <= 5; n++) {
// dq now contains the elements [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], where 1 is at the front and 5 is at the back
for(int n = 1; n <= 3; n++) {
// dq now contains the elements [3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
while(dq.size() > 5) {
System.out.print(dq.removeFirst() + " ");
while (!dq.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print(dq.removeLast() + " ");
3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Deques are extremely important data structures that are used in many programming problems in place of stacks and queues. While they are rarely the only part of a solution to a problem, they are used as utility data structures in many solutions.
Read the stack and queue lessons to learn how to use the deque as a functioning stack or queue.