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A hash map is a class that utilizes pairs. Similar to a relation in mathematics, a key is associated with a corresponding value.

Hash maps are unordered collections, meaning when iterating through them, insertion order is not necessarily maintained.


Java has the HashMap class, which implements a hash map for you.

Hash maps generally have two identifiers, a class type for the key, as well as a class type for the value. A simple declaration of a HashMap involving the association of an integer with a string would look like:

// HashMap is in the java.util package.
HashMap <Integer><String> map = new HashMap<Integer><String>();

After initializing the HashMap, we can begin to store <Key, Value> pairs inside of it:

map.put(1, "Hello");

This pair has 1 as its key. The value associated with the key is "Hello".

When we use the get method, which accepts the key as its parameter, the associated value returned is "Hello".


Just a warning: when using keys, they should reference the same object. When using two objects that have identical data, yet are declared differently, the HashMap may be unable to recall the value associated with the original object.

Time complexity


Space complexity



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